Thursday, June 2, 2011

101 in 1001- Update #1

In the last four months, I've been able to cross several items off of my list. Yay! 
Life Goals- 
1.     Find a fulltime job, whatever that looks like J
2.     Fly internationally- flew to Jordan and Lebanon 
3.     Visit at least two foreign nations- visited Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria 
4.     Buy my first car J
5.     Learn another language- ish; learned around 30-40 words in arabic 
6.     Visit my brother in Chicago
7.     Go back to IJM for the Global Prayer Gathering
8.     Pay off a portion of my student loans
9.     Rent an apartment
10. Reply to emails within 24 hours
11. Reset my horrible sleep habits
12. Do laundry once a week for two months
13. Make my bed everyday for a month
14. Go to the doctor, dentist, and optometrist regularly
15.  Take my vitamins daily for a month
16. Give up sugar for a month
17. Purposefully befriend someone new
18. Learn to coupon
19. Tithe 10% of my income
20. Open up a savings account
21. Get a Netflix account again- 5-20-2011
22. Update my resume and practice writing cover letters
23.  Create an exercise schedule and stick with it
Organization Goals- 
24. Sort through and organize my books
25. Sell old textbooks on
26. Organize my three folders of school papers and purge
27. Print out favorite college photos and organize them into an album
28.  Declutter and organize my computer
29. Create a budget and track all expenses
30. Create a file with all of my medical and important documents
31. Go through my inbox once a month and declutter
32. Organize my jewelry making supplies- done! 1-21-11
33. Create a binder with all of my favorite recipes

Spiritual Goals- 
34. Join a Bible study/small group/ Sunday school and attend regularly for three months
35. Explore and decide upon a home church
36. Purposefully read through the NT making comparisons between books
37. Find a daily devotional
38. Make plans for another mission trip
39. Make a prayer journal
40. Volunteer at church- specifically with the youth or children groups
Just Because -
41. Explore N.Y City
42. Visit three new states
43. Take a long roadtrip (6 hours +)- drove to GA to visit N, M, E and H :)  
44. Treat a friend to lunch
45. Blog once a week for a year
46. Learn how to swim, for reals.
47. Go to the beach- swam in the Red Sea in Jordan 
48. Read a biography
49. Take a pilates class
50. Go to an art museum with a friend
51. Find a perfume that I love
52. Spend a day in a bookstore
53. Make a card and send it to a friend
54. Go to a movie by myself
55. Explore a new location- explored Petra, Wadi Rum, Jerash and several other sites in Jordan 
56. Hike to the NE lighthouse
57. Spend a day exploring Longwood Gardens
58. Go antiquing with Mom
59. Make the Pioneer Woman’s amazing cinnabuns
60.  Get a massage
61.  Cuddle with a newborn
62. Go stargazing
63. Try sushi- a Korean friend made sushi for me. It was quite yummy :) 
64. Get dessert at an expensive restaurant
65. Buy an orchid and keep it alive for 6 months
66.  Cook 35 new recipes
67. Learn to make a three layer cake
68. Cook a special meal and invite friends over
69. Splash in a puddle
70. Go to the county fair- went with S, truely awesome! 
71. Watch fireworks on the 4th of July
72. Buy something off of craigslist
73.  Spend a day exploring Philadelphia
74.  Learn to type faster
Musical Goals- 
75. Find three piano studio blogs and read daily for two months
76. Create a piano practice schedule and stick with it for at least two months
77. Practice violin twice a week for a month
78. Practice sightreading every day for a month
79.  See a musical- either on or off broadway
80. Go to the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra- went in November as a birthday treat! 
81. Begin the process of becoming a nationally certified teacher through the Music Teacher’s National Association
82. Go to the MTNA national conference 
83. Reread my Piano Ped. Textbook because it is awesome
84. Learn how to play 6 chords on the guitar
85. Have a piano studio of at least three students
86. Upgrade my piano
87. Start building a library of piano materials
Hobby Goals- 
88. Take a photography class
89. Learn to use my film camera on manual
90. Make 4 sets of earrings and send them to friends
91.  Learn how to make chandelier earrings
92. Read at least ten non-fiction books
93.  Learn how to use a decent photo editing program (program to be decided)
94. Take a photo a day for a month
95.  Spend three hours figuring out the basics of Excel
96. Crochet another afghan
97. Relearn how to use the sewing machine
98. Alter a garment
99. Upgrade my digital camera to a SLR
List Goals-
100.   Fulfill at least 65% of this list  
101.   Make a new list! 

Sunday, May 15, 2011

On and on...

"But Sam turned to Bywater, and so came back up the Hill, as day was ending once more. And he went on, and there was yellow light and fire within; and the evening meal was ready, and he was expected... 
He drew a deep breath. 'Well, I'm back,' he said." 
-J.R.R. Tolkien

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Slight Delay

Hi friends!

As most of you know, I will be travelling until May and will be unable to keep updating this blog while I am gone. If you would like occasional updates from me, email me and I will add you to my email list. :)

Much Love,


Thursday, January 27, 2011

Shoveling and Snow

In the last 24 hours, we have been "blessed" with 11 inches of snow.

The roads are pretty clear finally, but we have been struggling with power issues and major branch damage. At least it was pretty!

Friday, January 21, 2011

#32- done!

Yay! I completed my first 101:1001 goal! Granted, it is a pretty tiny one in the grand scheme of things, but it still makes me happy.

Today, I organized my beads and jewelry making supplies.  My box of supplies looked like this- beads everywhere, wire poking out and completely disorganized. Nasty.

And, after. So much better! 

Thursday, January 20, 2011

101 in 1001

Goals keep me moving, tell me when I am done, and lets me gauge just how much I can procrastinate before I have to do something.  Goals keep me moving forward on a project.

Goals = motivation

I like goals.

So, when a friend brought the Day Zero Project to my attention, I was intrigued. The goal of this project is to make a list of 101 things that you would like to do in 1001 days. The goals can be small or huge, but the aim is to complete as many of them as you can before the deadline. After a week of thinking, I slowly compiled my list. I hope that posting it here might inspire you to do the project with me, or at the very least, help keep me accountable about completing it. My deadline is Thursday, October 13th, 2013. So, here goes :) -

Life Goals- 
1.     Find a fulltime job, whatever that looks like J
2.     Fly internationally
3.     Visit at least two foreign nations
4.     Buy my first car J
5.     Learn another language
6.     Visit my brother in Chicago
7.     Go back to IJM for the Global Prayer Gathering
8.     Pay off a portion of my student loans
9.     Rent an apartment
10. Reply to emails within 24 hours
11. Reset my horrible sleep habits
12. Do laundry once a week for two months
13. Make my bed everyday for a month
14. Go to the doctor, dentist, and optometrist regularly
15.  Take my vitamins daily for a month
16. Give up sugar for a month
17. Purposefully befriend someone new
18. Learn to coupon
19. Tithe 10% of my income
20. Open up a savings account
21. Get a Netflix account again
22. Update my resume and practice writing coverletters
23.  Create an exercise schedule and stick with it
Organization Goals- 
24. Sort through and organize my books
25. Sell old textbooks on
26. Organize my three folders of school papers and purge
27. Print out favorite college photos and organize them into an album
28.  Declutter and organize my computer
29. Create a budget and track all expenses
30. Create a file with all of my medical and important documents
31. Go through my inbox once a month and declutter
32. Organize my jewelry making supplies- done! 1-21-11
33. Create a binder with all of my favorite recipes

Spiritual Goals- 
34. Join a Bible study/small group/ Sunday school and attend regularly for three months
35. Explore and decide upon a home church
36. Purposefully read through the NT making comparisons between books
37. Find a daily devotional
38. Make plans for another mission trip
39. Make a prayer journal
40. Volunteer at church- specifically with the youth or children groups
Just Because -
41. Explore N.Y City
42. Visit three new states
43. Take a long roadtrip (6 hours +)
44. Treat a friend to lunch
45. Blog once a week for a year
46. Learn how to swim, for reals.
47. Go to the beach
48. Read a biography
49. Take a pilates class
50. Go to an art museum with a friend
51. Find a perfume that I love
52. Spend a day in a bookstore
53. Make a card and send it to a friend
54. Go to a movie by myself
55. Explore a new location
56. Hike to the NE lighthouse
57. Spend a day exploring Longwood Gardens
58. Go antiquing with Mom
59. Make the Pioneer Woman’s amazing cinnabuns
60.  Get a massage
61.  Cuddle with a newborn
62. Go stargazing
63. Try sushi
64. Get dessert at an expensive restaurant
65. Buy an orchid and keep it alive for 6 months
66.  Cook 35 new recipes
67. Learn to make a three layer cake
68. Cook a special meal and invite friends over
69. Splash in a puddle
70. Go to the county fair
71. Watch fireworks on the 4th of July
72. Buy something off of craigslist
73.  Spend a day exploring Philadelphia
74.  Learn to type faster
Musical Goals- 
75. Find three piano studio blogs and read daily for two months
76. Create a piano practice schedule and stick with it for at least two months
77. Practice violin twice a week for a month
78. Practice sightreading every day for a month
79.  See a musical- either on or off broadway
80. Go to the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra
81. Begin the process of becoming a nationally certified teacher through the Music Teacher’s National Association
82. Go to the MTNA national conference 
83. Reread my Piano Ped. Textbook because it is awesome
84. Learn how to play 6 chords on the guitar
85. Have a piano studio of at least three students
86. Upgrade my piano
87. Start building a library of piano materials
Hobby Goals- 
88. Take a photography class
89. Learn to use my film camera on manual
90. Make 4 sets of earrings and send them to friends
91.  Learn how to make chandelier earrings
92. Read at least ten non-fiction books
93.  Learn how to use a decent photo editing program (program to be decided)
94. Take a photo a day for a month
95.  Spend three hours figuring out the basics of Excel
96. Crochet another afghan
97. Relearn how to use the sewing machine
98. Alter a garment
99. Upgrade my digital camera to a SLR
List Goals-
100.   Fulfill at least 65% of this list  
101.   Make a new list! 

Friday, January 14, 2011


As Christians, we have been called as witnesses to the goodness and grace of God to those around us. Yet, most of us struggle with feelings of inadequacy to fulfill this call in practical and measurable ways- to make a difference and do something big for God.

Most of us are surrounded by responsibilities, such as jobs, family, or school, that sometimes seems to make the possibility of actively changing the world impossible. As a college student, I have all felt this conflict between my heart and my daily life. I lack the money to sponsor a child, the freedom to become a full time activist, or the energy to champion a cause constantly.

Yet, I still feel like you and I are compelled and called to do something.

I found out about Gethsemane International Africa ( - an organization located in Kenya- through my friend Elizabeth, who interned there for a summer. The children at Gethsemane range from 7-18 years old. Many have lost
their parents to AIDS. Most of them come from Kawangware - one of the
fastest growing slums in Nairobi.

Gethsemane provides shelter, food, and education for the children who
are living there but most importantly they provide a loving home

The home runs greatly off of sponsorship money and 12 of the kids do
not have sponsors. It costs $100 a month to sponsor a child at
Gethsemane.  My friend Elizabeth proposed a way to help and has organized a fundraiser called "Your Change for World Change."

Your Change for World Change's goal is raise $1200 in one month to sponsor each of these unsponsored children for one month.

We aim to do this by saving all our spare change for one month - from today until February 18th - to give it to Gethsemane International. 
A coin collection jar is available at Bryan in Townhouse 12, or if you would prefer to donate online you can at Gethsemane also accepts checks sent to PO Box 22129, Knoxville, TN 37933.

Please join us in the challenge to save all our spare change to change a child's future. 

Saturday, January 1, 2011


2010 was a whirlwind:

the missions class, visiting OM usa, IJM, flying to MN, flying to FL, being a bridesmaid, swimming in the ocean, working my third summer at Sandy Cove, deciding to go to the middle east, moving into the townhouses, going to DC with M and E, fulfilling my senior bucket list, my senior recital, and lastly, graduation and goodbyes.

2010 stretched me. I struggled with who I'd become after three years at Bryan, struggled with my calling as a musician and teacher, struggled with what it means to be a friend and a sister in Christ, struggled against all the "what ifs" of my college career, struggled to be content.

Yet, 2010 was an amazing year. I deepened friendships, had some amazing experiences, had some crazy late night memories, and, most importantly, came out with a better experience of what a marvelous, amazing God I serve.

 Honestly, some of these same struggles will haunt me in 2011. I have no idea what will happen in this next year- no plan, no idea, no inkling where I will end up next January. Yet, I know wherever I go in the next year- from Maryland to the Middle East and back again-  I am confident that God will walk with me through the uncertainty. And because of that, I can say, bring it on, 2011.